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Wheel Alignments in Kitchener, ON

Wheel Alignments

Best Practices for Wheel Alignment

Driving your car is a pure pleasure, especially when driving along a beautiful scenic road. But, for a car to keep riding smoothly and consistently give you that same experience, it’s important that the angles between the wheels and the axles are correct.

No matter how good or expensive your car is, the gradual wear and tear of everyday driving can start to knock these angles out of alignment. You will need to get your car’s wheel alignment checked on a regular basis if you want your car to feel and drive optimally.

The Symptoms of Poor Wheel Alignment

There could be many causes for wheel misalignment, but some of the most common ones are driving over potholes, especially at high speed, or clipping a curb. Speed bumps can also cause a misalignment problem, and even bodywork repairs involving the front and rear axle can modify the wheel alignment.

The signs that a car needs to have its wheels aligned are relatively easy to spot. If the steering wheel pulls to the left or right while driving, it’s probably time to pay a visit to a mechanic in your area. Also, if you feel unusual vibrations through the steering wheel, uneven tread wear across the width of the tire is a common symptom.

Benefits of Having Your Wheels Aligned Properly

Once you’re sure that your car’s wheels are misaligned, your best bet is to get them fixed as soon as possible for many reasons, such as:

  • Better fuel efficiency: Misaligned wheels can decrease gas mileage by a significant amount, and with gas prices being at an all-time high, you should check your wheel alignment regularly. When your wheels aren’t aligned the right way, your car’s engine has to put in more work to move your tires, making you spend more money on fuel.
  • Fewer repairs over time: When you have misaligned tires, even a little bump could lead to severe mechanical issues. Hitting a pothole can cause way more damage to your car than usual if you misalign the wheels, which translates to hefty repair costs.
  • More control: With correctly aligned wheels, you’ll have much more control over your vehicle, especially when making sharp turns or driving at high speeds.

Where to Get a Professional Wheel Alignment Service in Kitchener

If you’re looking for a professional wheel alignment service near Kitchener, TQ Autocare is the logical solution. We have a strong reputation for being professional and reliable when it comes to car repair services, and we’ve helped many clients over the years with all their car issues.

Plus, we have a team of certified and experienced mechanics in Kitchener that will help you with all your needs and questions about wheel alignment. Call us now to learn more about how impactful wheel alignment is for your driving experience.


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